Remember tht day v bz many thing waiting to me to fix...@@
1st home no ppl coz parent go le genting..my doggy need i care..
2nd buy present to michi..
3rd open shop b4 4pm...
4th go make car acc...
5th Greenbox nite..
6th close shop whn 10pm++
Wake up 1pm...1st go to SangAuto fren acc shop..to fix my car someprob..
make make make make..3pm++ le so long..after tht go open my shop..
after tht go yee home to fetch her go buy present also...coz her ji mui birthday ma..
1st we go to jusco..dont noe wan buy wad also..walk walk walk...
den yee say buy beer wo..beer ar den i say T1 mayb more choise..
den rush to T1 again..arrived thr cannot tahan liao too hungry..
go take my break1st at MD xp..
after tht..go c the beer..all let yee gao tim..haha
den go back Ground Floor again to make her hp at my couson shop..
coz her hp keypad got prob..
20min++ setter also...
tht time ady..6pm++ fast fast bring her go back to home to preparing..
den whn i going back home..dam sundelly car water boil..@@" fast fast call fren help..
wait at kemayang thr 30min something to let it cool and +water..
walao 7pm++ ady fast bck home to preparing..
8++go to birthday gal home to fetch her..
them ady arrived thr waiting us 2 le..
9pm we arrived also le..den go in start us party..
sing sing sing eat eat eat...12am happy birthday to u song come out !!
den present also out tht time..scare dao her yi xia coz her tot we no buy anything to her..
wont la we so good de ma..hah
den after cut le kek and take le photo T.k time to bck le..
he face dam tired ady hah funny 4 me XD..
party time till 1am..den fetch them bck 1 by 1 2am arrived home..
and last i here to wish to Michiyo again happy birthday yup..=)

My dinner..so much rice izzit??hah

Aww..Beer !!!bt some 1 nt allow tht day jst drink so less =(

nice kek bt..all no eat waste !!!

Birthday Cake..Edit by Zi yang and Yee

3 ji mui..

Michiyo c them 2 so enjoy wad..xp


let ppl curi curi shot..

my dai lou T.K(tht day face dam chang..@@)

my dai lou kiss me..=.=

Yee & Me..

Me and the Birthday Girl..=)