Wake up 630am o.O zo ma gai de??sot ady??
hah no la..coz them say wan go jogging wo..
wake up le den bath 645am den start go fetch ppl le..
715am arrived city park ady den..start jogging..
jst run 2round only..ady wan pengsan le...@@
coz really so long din run le..after finish jogging..
den go bck to me last time working place Fai Hoong..
to take ur break1st loh..finish 9pm+
no place go ady..den michiyo say go tesco lepak wah..
haiz also no place go liao..on lo xD
lepak till 10pm+ sienz ady change place liao..
go to jusco xp..1st time 10am+ go thr..
go le green box to sing k at outside 30min k room..
zhadao bt i no sing at all jst on9 thr and play ps only..
bck hm direct sleep..
Posted by KaLv!n ™ at 7:24 PM
Last Sunday..
8pm++ received call from yee..
ask me dinner together with her and her couson..
830pm arrived her home fetcher them 2 den go to fetch jk again..
coz her couson date le jk also..
after tht we go le kemayang to eat tin gai zuo..
whn we finish turn t.k and klun come here..
den we go 1st..coz yee ask michiyo to go out her home de garden chat chat again..
bt jk din follow coz he wan c the Big War LIV vs MAN..
(bt in the end mu lose 2:0 hw sad T.T..)
chi chi chat chat till 10:30pm++...
sundelly her couson mum call say kampung r.j got firework...
den rush bck to kampung r.j michiyo folo also..act say 11pm bt wait till 12am++
michiyo scare her mum worry so no wait le..11am++back ady..
finish whn 1230++den fetch yee and her couson back hm...
Posted by KaLv!n ™ at 5:33 AM
GreenBox~ Michiyo Birthday.. 17/10

Remember tht day v bz many thing waiting to me to fix...@@
1st home no ppl coz parent go le genting..my doggy need i care..
2nd buy present to michi..
3rd open shop b4 4pm...
4th go make car acc...
5th Greenbox nite..
6th close shop whn 10pm++
Wake up 1pm...1st go to SangAuto fren acc shop..to fix my car someprob..
make make make make..3pm++ le so long..after tht go open my shop..
after tht go yee home to fetch her go buy present also...coz her ji mui birthday ma..
1st we go to jusco..dont noe wan buy wad also..walk walk walk...
den yee say buy beer wo..beer ar den i say T1 mayb more choise..
den rush to T1 again..arrived thr cannot tahan liao too hungry..
go take my break1st at MD xp..
after tht..go c the beer..all let yee gao tim..haha
den go back Ground Floor again to make her hp at my couson shop..
coz her hp keypad got prob..
20min++ setter also...
tht time ady..6pm++ fast fast bring her go back to home to preparing..
den whn i going back home..dam sundelly car water boil..@@" fast fast call fren help..
wait at kemayang thr 30min something to let it cool and +water..
walao 7pm++ ady fast bck home to preparing..
8++go to birthday gal home to fetch her..
them ady arrived thr waiting us 2 le..
9pm we arrived also le..den go in start us party..
sing sing sing eat eat eat...12am happy birthday to u song come out !!
den present also out tht time..scare dao her yi xia coz her tot we no buy anything to her..
wont la we so good de ma..hah
den after cut le kek and take le photo T.k time to bck le..
he face dam tired ady hah funny 4 me XD..
party time till 1am..den fetch them bck 1 by 1 2am arrived home..
and last i here to wish to Michiyo again happy birthday yup..=)

My dinner..so much rice izzit??hah

Aww..Beer !!!bt some 1 nt allow tht day jst drink so less =(

nice kek bt..all no eat waste !!!

Birthday Cake..Edit by Zi yang and Yee

3 ji mui..

Michiyo c them 2 so enjoy wad..xp


let ppl curi curi shot..

my dai lou T.K(tht day face dam chang..@@)

my dai lou kiss me..=.=

Yee & Me..

Me and the Birthday Girl..=)
Posted by KaLv!n ™ at 3:07 PM
Streamboat 16/10
last friday go streamboat at robak with..
Yee,Michiyo,Wendy,Klun,Jia Jia,Jia Jia Bf,T.K,and Zi Yang..
tht idea from them de..i off tht day so on!!hah
start from 7+ady me ady start go fetch the dai xiu jie them..
arrived thr 8:30pm den start eat..from start eat till 11pm++
normal la for me XD..Michiyo also nt bad oo..
ji eat de xia bt dont noe y her so thin @@..
after finish..them say still early wo dont wan bck hm 1st..
den go le s2 taman to lepak awhile...
12am++bck home be piggy tired..
Posted by KaLv!n ™ at 2:41 PM
so bz??act nt la..jst lazy lol...
tht day noon go le jusco with yee,michiyo and jk...
go thr take my lunch at old town..after lepak awhile..
sundelly jk say go pd..
them on..so i mai on also lo..hah
7+arrived glory beach..den go thr chui chui fung..
yee say this is her 2nd time go pd at her life..zha dao..
nvm la nxt time bring u go again lo hah..
9+ le also bored at thr le..nth can de liao..
den start go bck le..
sundelly jk accidently kick to a sharp stone!!!
all blood come out from big toe..like me last time gam..
coz b4 i also got 1 time kenal like tht at leg..tht time i 7 needle to sew up
he tis time more geng more me 1..
**(wan c the jk leg wound)**
go "http://wjk1.blogspot.com"
coz photo too terror so i no post..=x
until 12am finally back to seremban..
and so sry to michiyo..
also coz her mum huat 99 dont noe hw to celeb her birth again..
(photo post soon..)
Posted by KaLv!n ™ at 1:36 AM
Mooncake Festival~
coz..so long i din celeb this special day like this so long le..
play lantern..play candle..play "煮饭仔"...hw child xp
tht day i cancel all abt the booking..coz i wan early after work..XD
so sry abt the ppl wan booking the court tht day..=x
8pm++ back to home take my dinner with my family hw guai o.O
after tht Yee go out with family to city park..bt her sms me say thr no fuction..
hw come de ma..~~ den i give le a suggestion to her..
is "go her home play candle and lantern"...
den her go le jusco..ask her buy abt the candle and lantern...
find le whole day her dont noe at whr buy le candle only..
bt latern ask me buy...
tht time i again need go fetch michiyo at mambu~~
lucky T.K call..and i ask her to fetch Wendy and buy the lantern at t1..whn her fetch Sook Klun..
10++ all kumpul at Yee house ady...her fren jia jia and her bf got join us 2..
J.k go trilogy whn nite but b4 he got come join us 2 also..
all big child start to play the lantern and candle..
zha dao..Yee dont noe at find the fireworks and jiajia got bring it also..
latest funny is S.K la..throw tht to ground Zzz...~~||
after candle..all take lantern to "游行" at kampung rasah ~~ walao..
i latest noicy 1..keep say my lantern "bumblebee" at thr..make dao them laught 99..XD
after tht...we go to play ground play..more child.."悄悄板,千秋 all like no play b4 tht..
bt sundelly michiyo bf come..and them got prob at thr argue in the car..
after tht 1130++ T.K time to back home..so he fetch s.k back also..
and Jia Jia also back with he bf..left J.K..me..Yee and Wendy only..again J.K also wan go to Trilogy soon..
so no go lim teh le...at Yee home sit and her and Wendy make milo to me hw swt..lol
Chit Cha till 1am++so late le need fetch Wendy back home..den after fetch Wendy J.K call me..
say hungry go tin gai zhou..after eat go back Trilogy..bt awhile den san cheong le..hw bad..
Posted by KaLv!n ™ at 2:28 PM
Last Friday..go le era eat "ba gu teh" with family...
actually nth special go out eat with family..bt for me v less 1..
Fei Lou david no at Trilogy work le..open le 1 Ba ku teh at beside trilogy..
so he call le my family go try try lo..
after finish T.K come fetch me go Chong Wa..coz thr got fuction..
and Yee and Wendy at thr waiting us also..=p
J.K..also at thr ady..
after thr finish no place go also..folo
bt Wendy follow le her fren go le "Tarot"..
bt we go le A&W...bt sundelly her call we go fetch her..
coz her sundelly dont wan join them to follow us back le..xp go
den T.K and Yee go fetch her come join us back..
after 11++pm them de fren come fetch them 2 back..
after tht we go back era..snooker..and trilogy hear hear song again..
1am++ balik kampung..
Posted by KaLv!n ™ at 2:09 PM
Last Week...
lazy dao..nt go out den dota..or poker(facebook)..
never open my blogger c le..=x sry ya guy..hoho ^^
erm also dont noe say form whr jor Zz...
erm lucky photo got date..haha XD
start from last wed..
date le Yee and Michiyo to watch the "吓到笑"...
tht day wake up 12pm..start to preparing..
bath ar eat..den 1+ go to bukit mewah to fetch Yee back hm..
den after wait her preparing finish..rush to fetch Michiyo again..
2++we arrived Jusco..
after arrived sundelly Yee fren wan join.."Wendy"
another tht name de ppl..lolz.. tht is 1st time i meet abt her..
after finish mv..need rush back to open my shop..coz 5pm got ppl book..
so i direct fetch Michiyo bck hm 1 lo...
den after open shop i and Yee and Wendy go le kemayang to take my lunch..
chi chat thr until 6pm++ den i fetch them 2 back to home..
after tht i back to shop work lo..T.T
Posted by KaLv!n ™ at 1:30 PM