Holiday le..1 week
Finally..I go out from my home..
Start from Sunday,to Wed Nite..
i sleep until 4pm++ and sleep from 6am something..
wad a crazy ppl??
wad i can do until 6am only sleep??
haha tht is Dota lo..
every day at home..
sienz dao i really wan become crazy le..
monday more crazy invite my fren kuan
go to kuala pilah to find my college mate KC to play dota...
finish den rush back from 6+ arrvied sbn 7+ -.-
erm..say back sunway bah..
Tht day i sleeping also..jst Choi Kei called me wake up..
say gready he coming to my home..
den i wake up to bath and preparing leng leng zai zai to wait he come..
arrived...jst he and Sook Klun only..haiz 3 ppl go kl..hw sienz
actually i got date another 3 ppl 1..
bt them also say got sku..
and rush din join us..
nvm lo..Choi Kei say he off dont wan stay at home..
so go kl again..C.K ady panning de...
say wan go pyramid to c the Final Destination 4 3D...
we arrived thr den bought the ticket 1..den go take ur lunch at MD..
den until 430pm movie time..
The Movie is say ppl die die die die die...
in the end all die...='(
after finish mv we go shopping awhile..
bt all like no $ to buy thing..coz pk jor..haha
7pm+arrived my home..
den time to rest and bath and eat..
coz 10+ need go to Quattro again to celeb my Hoong Zai Birthday..
8+stupid jk sms me say he coming to my home...
WTF ?!
he say wan me acc he also go to pm..coz he dont wan be lampu coz sk and tk pming.. choise fast finish my dinner and bath and wear leng leng to pm -.-
at pm ppl keep kap no c ppl wear like tht to pm gam..shy de
At the HighWay Sk Drive CK de car o.O
whn arrived pyramid..
TGV Cinema At Pyramid
erm..this time no play le..=x

oi..dont kiss me de ma..hah
give her noe jor tim..~~(act wan steal steal shot her de ma)
Hem..Again Last is
is happy birthday to Xiao Hui..