7pm++..sundelly received mum call..
say today her no cook my dinner ask me go eat at outside..
den nvm lo..still eatly..until 9pm le..start hungry le..
time to date ppl go dinner le..
1st i date le..Wen Yee..
her reply me:go whr??erm tired o..dont wan go out le nxt time bah..
can hear dao her sound look like tired also..den nvm lo..
2nd i date le..Michiyo..
her reply me:go whr??erm ask wen yee also lo..yee go den her go..
my heart think haiz date u all really susah loh...
and i really hate ppl to say "her go den her go this word"
her no go u cant go de meh...
~~ask u acc dinner jek so scare me meh..
nvm lo..shuan lo..du lan ady..
act i also dont noe y tht day sundelly wan gal acc me..
den nvm lo..date my bro(JK) also..
he reply me:bang nw at DHL 11pm 1st can ma??
i nvm bt my stomach dont noe hw jek..
Zzz again T.K need early back..
at the end lucky still got 1 T.K can acc me my dinner..
if nt i really need take away le..
at AL-Wazer to eat my Fav TomYam sotong..
and Ayam Special Burger X1...
after al-wazer go le Tarol with another clan..
no drink no eat jst chi chat thr..
after 12am reiceved call from J.K..
bck to AL-Wazer yam cha again..chi cha till 1am++
28/9 Lonely Me...Lonely Life..
Posted by KaLv!n ™ at 6:22 AM
Saturday Nite~
Work until 8pm++ again..i again go out whn i working time..~~
really naughty dao...dont noe hw say XD
830pm+ arrived wen yee house..to fetch her go jusco c mv..
arrived the TGV..
9pm-Whr Got Ghost..
Walao..sh!t lo..hah =x
keep huat 99 by her..haha wad also scold...(SRY de ma....)
haha really wan kek 4 her jor lu..kaka =p
nvm lo..den i say c another lo G-Force..we 2 also hvent c..so buy le ticket..
again got some time..den we 2 go pak tall pak tall lo..lolx (jokking..)
go le 1 round jusco still got some time tim..
den go le porpular lepak awhile..
9:40pm time up..rush back to TGV to having ur movie...
11pm++ finish mv i direct fetch her bck hm..
coz scare her parents scold..again i got 2 round..
fren celeb birthday at..
arrived parson ady 12am++ jst go thr sit sit and hi hi thr..
wad also no drink..so guai o.O me 1st time..XD
den san cheong whn 1am..
go to al-wazer lim teh again...
lepak until 2am++balik rumah...
Inside de Porpular..
Buying popcorn..
Birthday Boy..
Birthday Boy drinking the beer..
Come On !! Drink Finish !!! XD
Hoong Zai kenal bully..haha
Posted by KaLv!n ™ at 12:44 AM
Shopping Day At-1 Utama..
den he ask me go 1Utama to c car rims v he..
erm..no place go also..on lo..hah
arrived thr..we 1 go le c the car rims 1..
den after finish c..den shopping time..
say no $ no $ haiz again cant tahan buy le rm1xx haiz..pk liao de ma huhu...
8pm++bck to seremban..yam cha with J.K and C.K at
Station 1
bck hm 10pm++fan che 99 ='(

My Drink Honey Drew..
Beside me emtry 1...(haiz dont noe whn will got ppl sit)
Posted by KaLv!n ™ at 12:21 AM
Yo~ Yo~ i am bck to my blogger..
1 week no update le..very lazy de ma me..huhu T.T
Wednesday Nite Go PD with C.K and J.K Badminton clan..
Actually nt so close with them..bt nvm la..also orang mudah ma..hah
Tht Nite~We go le 3 place..
Glory,Sunshine,and got small crab thr dont noe call wad name..
and we choise le Glory to BBQ~...
C.K Order 30 Chicken wing..1 ppl need to eat 5 ~~
we 6 ppl...bt in the end many waste to throw..(zha dao)
BBQ till 3am++ den go glory and crab thr walk walk..and chui chui fung...
Party time until 6am..
den we go bck to sbn to having ur break1st at rahang "babu tan"
arrived home 7am++ dam tired..lolx
The Clan..
i saw this at the tree so nice de led lamp..
Posted by KaLv!n ™ at 11:59 PM
Green Box Celeb Wendy Birthday...
Another Green Box Day at the nite...
1st time gal more thn guy..xp
Guy is me and C.K
Girl is Birthday Girl Wendy,Sook Klun,and 2 new fren for me..Michiyo and Gwynne...
Start from 7+ C.K go to take S.K from T1 coz her early after work..
den after he fetched sk..den to kampung r.j to take Wendy and Gwynne..
after tht until me le..i again go out again whn working time hw pro...XD
act jst go s2 go fetch Michiyo de..bt we late to tell her abt the time..
so her folo her parent to her kampung-Mambau.
lol..mambau ar..rantau i noe jek...mambau agak agak noe whr geh..
find find find find find...call call call call call...
at the end i wait her at the primary sku thr...coz i really dont noe whr is thr de ma..T.T
whn her mum fetch her go thr..i so scare tht time....
i think her mum sure scare me take her doughter to sell 1...XD
after fetched Michiyo le..den start go jusco le...
8++ arrived thr them ady at thr waiting us 2..
whn start wan take water to room..jst sit...
sudenlly boss call..i no answer the hp..coz i sure noe he sure bla bla bla thr..
den..no choise lo...hw ever i also working tht time..bck thr a while lo...
he 9++ ady leaver office and give le some work to me..
kacau de ma..ppl hvent sing dao de neh..
whn i fix all the prob also 945 le..
also more 10++min to close haiz..wait also lo...
10pm++ go bck to green box..bt 10pm++ the "po fei" finish le..
wad oo..me very hungry de ma...wad also no eat dao say finish...zha dao @@
no choise lo later finish sin go yam cha lo..
sing sing sing sing..
12am le birthday song..come the stuff take out the cake and Wendy make le 1 wish...
den blow the candle..and to cut the cake to eat..
time pass so fast until 1am le..san cheong..
i ask them wan yam cha ma??
den michiyo and gwynne say late le..2morrow sku again..den nvm lo fetch them 2 back 1..
den we 4 go le kemayang al-wazer yam cha...JK got come join us also..
jst yam 15min like tht s.k also fen che le..so c.k go fetch them 2 bck le..
jst left me and jk 2 thr..
3++am balik kampung...
2 new fren..Gwynne and Michiyo

Gwynne,Michiyo,Wendy,Sook Klun..
Happy Birthday To Wendy..
Posted by KaLv!n ™ at 1:39 AM
Quattro Nite and Happy 21th Birthday To My Bro..
tht time i still at sunway pyramid shopping..
"2nite Quattro to celeb u bro birthday"
actually i not so wan go de..(coz bored de ma quattro lol..)
erm see at fren birthday and i so long no go kl clubbing with them le..
hehe no choise lo..on!!
8pm++ ady go out to pm..tht time ady starting tired le..
10pm++ start go from sbn..
2 car go..
tht time i resting at the car..XD
1130 like tht we arrived..quattro
inside we open 2black label and 1liquer forgot wad name jor..
bt the birthday boy havent come de ma..
nvm we went in and take the place 1..
the birthday boy come ady..
lucky nt over 12am bt..
actually he nt tht day birthday also la..
coz tht week all free so we early celeb for him..=x
party time till 3am..
after tht all like so drunk le..
so we decide to find a place to rest rest 1..
4am++ start go back sbn again..
sundelly the got a sound "car car car car"..!!!
we 5ppl also fall sleep at the car..den direct to wake up automatik!!
my fren de honda city crash at the highway..
den we stop to roadside to c the car...
2 door also kenal..very gen zhong liao all...
haiz..after fetch me bck home den he so scary to call him father to told him father abt the car crash..
i tot him nvm de..bck home 1 bah..
and i help him to fetch another 1 ppl to bck home..
5am++arrived home..
driect sleep..
Quattro opersite-KLCC
Winter Garden
Inside de garden..hw cool..=.=
Drunk Guy Scolding ppl XD
And The Last
Happy Birthday To u Hoong Zai..
21th Age le..
finally u can go casino ady..X D

Posted by KaLv!n ™ at 11:13 PM
Sunway Pyramid...
Holiday le..1 week
Finally..I go out from my home..
Start from Sunday,to Wed Nite..
i sleep until 4pm++ and sleep from 6am something..
wad a crazy ppl??
wad i can do until 6am only sleep??
haha tht is Dota lo..
every day at home..
sienz dao i really wan become crazy le..
monday more crazy invite my fren kuan
go to kuala pilah to find my college mate KC to play dota...
finish den rush back from 6+ arrvied sbn 7+ -.-
erm..say back sunway bah..
Tht day i sleeping also..jst Choi Kei called me wake up..
say gready he coming to my home..
den i wake up to bath and preparing leng leng zai zai to wait he come..
arrived...jst he and Sook Klun only..haiz 3 ppl go kl..hw sienz
actually i got date another 3 ppl 1..
bt them also say got sku..
and rush wo..so din join us..
nvm lo..Choi Kei say he off dont wan stay at home..
so go kl again..C.K ady panning de...
say wan go pyramid to c the Final Destination 4 3D...
we arrived thr den bought the ticket 1..den go take ur lunch at MD..
den until 430pm movie time..
The Movie is say ppl die die die die die...
in the end all die...='(
after finish mv we go shopping awhile..
bt all like no $ to buy thing..coz pk jor..haha
7pm+arrived my home..
den time to rest and bath and eat..
coz 10+ need go to Quattro again to celeb my Hoong Zai Birthday..
8+stupid jk sms me say he coming to my home...
WTF ?!
he say wan me acc he also go to pm..coz he dont wan be lampu coz sk and tk pming..
haiz..no choise lo....fast fast finish my dinner and bath and wear leng leng to pm -.-
at pm ppl keep kap me..like no c ppl wear like tht to pm gam..shy de ma..lol
At the HighWay Sk Drive CK de car o.O
whn arrived pyramid..
TGV Cinema At Pyramid
erm..this time no play le..=x

oi..dont kiss me de ma..hah
give her noe jor tim..~~(act wan steal steal shot her de ma)
Hem..Again Last is
is happy birthday to Xiao Hui..
Posted by KaLv!n ™ at 1:46 AM
Boring Life...
really feel very boring 4 abt my life..
again i so hate myself nw...
like useless...
like wad also dont noe..
Just noe Eat and Sleep...!!
again holiday 1 week..
coz exam upsr coming...
in this week wad i can do..???
again jst eat and sleep..sleep and eat???
really will become crazy soon!!!
and last..
in this world..
no ppl will mind me..
am i really so let ppl hate??
Posted by KaLv!n ™ at 8:40 PM
few day din update my blog le..
coz sick le...
haiz..my stupid stomach again sot jor..ache 99 again..
dont noe why also..=(
and vomit 99 also till yellow water come out...='(
bt lucky nw ok abit le..
thx my lovely mum to take k me..
and i here to wish our country..
MaLaySia Happy 52th National Day...
oops again another wish to GG happy birthday too..
Posted by KaLv!n ™ at 12:15 AM